Dooky Grey Stars


Dooky Forra 0+ Grey Stars

A Forra Dooky dá ao "ovinho" do bebé um estilo funky em segundos. Tamanho universal adaptáveis à grande maioria dos ovinhos 0+. Combina na perfeição com o Dooky Hoody e Dooky Cover.

Dooky Capota - Grey Star

A Capota Dooky dá ao "ovinho" do bebé um estilo funky e super moderno em segundos. A Capota permite ainda uma excelente proteção UV.É universal, adatando-se em segundos à maioria dos “ovinhos”/cadeiras grupo 0+. Adapta-se a todos os "ovinhos" grupo 0+ Protege contra: Raios UV, sol, vento, Luz, frio e ruído;
Dooky 3-in-1 Changing Pack (Muda-Fraldas) é o parceiro ideal para os seus passeios. Compacto, moderno e permite guardar tudo o que necessita para uma muda de fralda: base plastificada e acolchoada para deitar o bebé com o maior conforto bolso porta fraldas com capacidade para várias fraldas bolso porta toalhitas para acesso imediato

Dooky Cover - Grey Star

Capa com proteção UV O Dooky® proporciona ao bebé um ambiente calmo protegendo-o do excesso de luz, vento, Sol e até de pequenos chuviscos. O Dooky® é universal, tem 5 argolas inquebráveis que se colocam rapidamente na capota ou na pega da alcofa, "ovinho"/cadeira grupo 0+ e carrinho de passeio. 100% algodão Filtra mais de 95% dos raios UV. Ajustável em...

Dooky Blanket - Grey Stars

Complete o look Dooky do seu carrinho de bebé com o Dooky Blanket. O Dooky Blanket é um cobertor Universal e Multifuncional: Reversivel: frente com design exclusívo dooky contransta com o verso em cores sólidas. 100% Algodão Produção Ecologica: livre de corantes azóicos e formaldeídos Combina na perfeição com o Dooky Cover, Capota e Forra Dimensão: 70 x...
Keep your baby warm and comfortable during colder periods of the year with the new Dooky Footmuff! With a fully detachable front, it can stay in your car seat or stroller without having to remove the complete footmuff. Universal: fits 3- and 5-point belts Designed for comfort with soft velour lining Water repellent and windproof exterior Double zipper 70...
The Dooky Auto Seat Cover protects the Car seat original cover and makes the bouncer look more fashionable! Universal: fits most car seats group 1 (9-18kg) fits car seats with 3 or 5 points seatbelts fits car sits with or without headrest Seperate headrest cover included Washable
The Dooky Universal Pads gives comfort to your child's shoulders and is a nice looking accessory. Great match with the Hoody Grey Star and Seat Cover 0+ Grey Star. Universal: fits most baby car seats 0+ Fits 3-point seatbelt Washable

Dooky Carrier - Grey Stars

The Dooky Carrier allows you to comfortably carry your infant car seat by helpingto distribute the weight evenly across the shoulders and core of the body reducing strain on the arm, hand and wrist.  The Dooky Carrier is easy to adjust to all body sizes. Suitable for all brands of infant car seats (group 0+) of max 4 KGS / 9 Lbs with a baby of max 13 KGS...
The Dooky Multicomfoter is made to fit your bouncer, baby car seat 0+, car seat and buggy. Providing a comfortable soft layer for your child. And it is reversible! Universal: fits most brands fits 3 and 5 point seatbelts Soft and comfortable Washable Reversible 68 x 35 cm

Dooky Bib - Grey Stars

New in the range of Dooky products: Dribble Bibs. Absorbent bibs that will keep your child's clothes clean and dry.Dribble bibs are comfortable to wear and the adjustable fastener means that the bib can grow with your child. No need to sacrifice comfort, style or functionality. Our star design makes it the perfect functional toddler accessory!   The...

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